Residential Property Prices, 2020-Q4, Capital Cities, Australia

Data: ABS - 6416.0 - Residential Property Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities

Here are the data definitions from the ABS.

The suite of residential property price indexes is:

  • a residential property price index
  • an established house price index
  • an attached dwellings price index.

The residential property price index is an aggregation of the established house price index and the attached dwelling price index, and measures the price change in all residential dwellings within the eight Greater Capital City Statistical Areas.

The established house price index measures the price change in all established detached houses on their own block of land in the capital cities.

The attached dwellings price index measures the price change of attached dwellings in the capital cities. Dwellings in scope of the index are:

  • flats, units and apartments
  • semi-detached, row and terrace houses.

Read more about the data here: Link